About Us

Labscape was founded in 2007 by Steve Green, to provide high quality outsourced software and website testing services to the new media, SME and corporate sectors.

Steve has a wealth of experience in the industry, having co-founded Test Partners Ltd in 2001.

We believe that software testing is an intellectual activity requiring skill and experience, and that good testing cannot be de-skilled and reduced to a process.

We don't just talk about testing

We actually do it. Every day.

So many testing companies only offer test management and consultancy, often churning out the same tired old textbook processes time and again.

Of course we can provide consultancy and test management, but in our case this is based on our experience of hands-on testing in hundreds of projects.

We don't compete with you

How would you like it if we competed with you for development work? Not a lot, in all probability. Yet that's precisely what some testing companies do.

From day one we made the decision not to compete with our clients, so we do not offer software development services.

All our testing is done in the UK

By doing all our testing in the UK we can control the quality of our work and ensure you receive the level of interaction and communication you expect.

There's no doubt that offshore testing is cheap, but we have never been tempted to go that route. Do your customers buy from you because you're the cheapest? Neither do ours.

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