Quality Criteria

  • Accessibility
  • Alternative views (non-Flash, non-JavaScript, mobile devices etc
  • Boundary testing
  • Cache testing
  • Compatibility testing
  • Consistency of design
  • Cookie testing
  • Default settings
  • Display settings (resolution, colour depth)
  • Form controls
  • Functionality
  • Gameplay
  • Interruption of page loading
  • Java and ActiveX
  • JavaScript
  • Link test
  • Localisation testing
  • Multimedia content
  • Navigation
  • Page content
  • Performance testing
  • Printing
  • Resource utilisation (CPU, memory, bandwidth etc)
  • Search functions
  • Security testing
  • Spelling and grammar
  • Standards compliance
  • Stress testing
  • Usability
  • Validation (client-side)
  • Validation (server-side)